Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Malachi Blessing - Unpacking chapter 4

The conclusion of Malachi

Malachi 4

The Final Encouragement

1 “Watch, the day is coming, like a burning furnace,
and  the arrogant, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day that is coming will burn them up,” Says the Lord, “So that it will leave neither root nor branch. – Here comes the purification for those who do not listen and respond! Look, if anybody means business and is capable of following through, it’s God.

2 But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and skip about like calves from the stall. – For those that do listen and respond, you will rejoice and jump for joy!

3 You will trample the wicked, they will be ashes under your feet on the day that I do this “Says the Lord. – Read verse 1 again, God makes those who respond His partners!

Verses 4-6 “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.  
6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” – Verse 4, Are we getting it? Verse 5, Literally, He will send the spirit of Elijah (John the Baptist/others) to turn the hearts of the people back to Him to set things right. Verse 6, Relationship, relationship, relationship! He reestablishes the family, literally and spiritually. He literally turns fathers back to their children and vice versa. He turns spiritual fathers (leaders/Levites) back to their children (the people), and finally our hearts back to Him. In order to turn hearts toward each other, they must at first be turned away.

Once again, God announces a warning and blessings for changing or not. And book ends Malachi with another emotional statement. Can you see fathers once again looking on their children with love? Can you believe things got so bad there was a time when they didn’t? Can you see God looking at us with love? Are we looking at each other with love? And more importantly, are we looking at Him with love?

There you have it, the Malachi Blessing explained. You have probably never heard Malachi or the tithe explained like this before, and we’re really not sure why; except to say that the church has taken license and liberty that it should not have. We have completely forgotten our roots forgetting that we are the ones who have been grafted in.

If you’re a pastor, you should be jumping for joy right now! Being that your primary concern is for your flock, and your heart’s desire is to take care of them, God is saying yes to you! “Here My servant, the shepherd of My sheep, I will give you what you need to take care of them, I will provide.”

The book of Malachi begs certain questions and brings up subjects we need to take a serious look at.

1) The leadership at that time was bad, what else does the bible say about that?

2) Malachi begs us to study the ordinance of the tithes and offerings in order to better understand them (Berean/study to show yourself/ourselves approved).

3) Marriage, what does a good marriage really look like?

4) Are there any examples of The Malachi Blessing being fulfilled in scripture?

Future posts will explore each one of these. God is so good! Can’t wait to show you what we found!

We will also cover the ridiculous and blasphemous assertion that tithing is wrong and, as some claim, evil, even a hoax. 

If you have enjoyed reading this and learned something new, please post, send a message, pass this on to your friends, leaders, and pastor. God hasn’t opened these windows in a long time, and He really wants to. God, once again, wants to restore His relationship with His people just as He did in Malachi. This book, this message, this blessing wasn’t just for them back then, it’s for us today. 

God wants to start a fire in our hearts again, for Him and each other, because sadly it's gone out. We don't think so, we think we already love people and are on fire for Him. But the church would look drastically different if that were the case, and it doesn't. This may offend some reading this and that's ok because this needs to be said. 

Matthew 24:12 says referring to the last days - And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 

Interesting how the word "lawlessness" is used here, not keeping the law. Also "the love of many" is referring to the church since it could be argued that the world never had any true love to give in the first place. 

Reestablishing the tithes and offerings to their rightful place is God's desire. Why don't we give it a try? 

After all He said to test Him. 

The Malachi Blessing, Operation: Restore the Tithe,

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